
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Semeru Punya Cerita Part 1

Sekitar jam lima pagi vidi sudah tidak mampu melanjutkan perjalanan. Ditengah jalur trek menuju puncak Mahameru kami memutuskan untuk break.

Ayo sedikit lagi kita sampai” aku berusaha menyemangatinya… “kita break dulu, sudah tidak sanggup” tegas vidi sambil menahan rasa lelah. “kita cari tempat yang agak landai untuk beristirahat..” Kami berdua beristirahat diatas batu besar yang memungkinkan kami untuk tidak terperosot kebawah di jalur trek dengan kemiringan lebih dari 45 derajat. Terlihat pendaki-pendaki lain yang juga sedang berjuang mencapai puncak. Sesekali mereka menengok kearah kami sambil tersenyum dan menyapa. Terlihat wajah mereka yang kelelahan dan juga kedinginan. “mas saya bisa ikut gabung gak? saya terpisah dari rombongan..”. Tanya salah satu pendaki, sambil ikut break bersama kamisaya: ”oh boleh, silahkan,, tpi teman saya dalam keadaan drop, entah bisa lanjut naik atau tidak,,oh iya mas bisa minta airnya tidak? teman saya sepertinya dehidrasi”… pendaki tersebut: “oh ia ada, tapi tinggal sedikit” (sambil mengeluarkan botol berisi sedikit air dari tas kecilnya ),, ,,  Saya:“wah, ini airnya tinggal sedikit, boleh dihabiskan?”.. Pendaki Tersebut:”ia gak papa, dihabisin aja,,”. sebenarnya tidak tega, tapi mau bagaimana lagi, sepertinya dia jauh lebih sehat disbanding vidi,, mungkin dia masih bisa bertahan sampai puncak tanpa air, atau paling tidak bisa minta pada pendaki lain saat berpapasan.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Chatting with stranger

Once at Office where I work…. I stayed up late at night for works to do. When it was done, I was extremely tired but not sleepy yet. Then I checked my FB account for any notifications and my twitter for any mentions also my google +… But as always…It ended up Boriiiiiiing!!!! But then I remembered the chatting site I used to use when I was in high school to chat to people in all over the world randomly, it’s called Omegle. Well,, and I thought “why don’t use it to chat? must be more interesting than the usual ones (FB, Twitter, YM, Google+….or whatever it is)”
So if you don’t know about it, let me explain a little bit. (Omegle. com) is a site (no need to sign up) that connects you to people in all over the world to chat randomly and personally. So once you log on the site, it will search randomly a person (can be from anywhere in all over the world) who’s also on the line that you can chat with.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

I have a lot of fears in my life. Such as giving presentation to class, speaking in front of many people, going to my office at first days when I firstly did my internship job (the first is always the worst), talking to someone, or adapting to new place.

What I’ve mentioned above are just a few of many my fears that I’ve been living with.
I’m really jealous with people who have much confidence, seems like they have nothing to fear. They always can do anything they