I have a lot of fears in my life. Such as giving presentation to class, speaking in front of many people, going to my office at first days when I firstly did my internship job (the first is always the worst), talking to someone, or adapting to new place.
What I’ve mentioned above are just a few of many my fears that I’ve been living with.
I’m really jealous with people who have much confidence,
seems like they have nothing to fear. They always can do anything they
want, like making jokes, speaking in front of many people or easily getting along with new people.
want, like making jokes, speaking in front of many people or easily getting along with new people.
I still remember when I had my first internship job. I had
been preparing my self mentally for a month. I was killed by negative thoughts
like, what if I can’t do my job well, what if I can’t adapt to the surrounding,
what if I become a boring person among my job partners, what if I can’t enjoy
my days, what if everything is going badly.
All those fears were just making me paranoid. I spent every night
thinking how was my life going to be years to come. How long I could stand
living with these fears.
But wait! That was 4 motnh ago when I began my internship
job. But look at me now! I am just fine. Well I had a little trouble at first
when I had to analyze the characteristics of my job partners and tried to get
along with them, but actually they are friendly people.
But over all, its just going well. I’ve successfully passed
through my fears and survive. Yeeps, sometimes we don’t realize we can do
something till we’ve done it successfully.
And now I realize they who have confidence are not people
who don’t have fear, but they can always handle the fears and bravely take
Its really sad to know that I have a lot of fears in my
life. But it's good to know that I'm not the only one who feel the same. Its natural
to have fear, but when it becomes too big and give much trouble in your life,
then you have serious problem. All you’ve got to do is “feel the fear and do it
any way!”
"They who have
confidence are not people who don’t have fear, but they can always handle the
fears and bravely take risks”
“Its natural to have
fear, but when it becomes too big and give much trouble in your life, then you
have serious problem”
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